Wasteland 2017 | Fetish Party review


Last April was my first time to visit Wasteland. I had heard about Wasteland for many many years, so I was really excited for my first visit and wrote a review about it.

I really loved it, so this summer I visited Wasteland Summerfest, and also wrote a review about that. So now I had discovered how amazing Wasteland really is, I wouldn’t miss this November edition for the world. I was grateful to be put on the guestlist so I could write a review again.

Wasteland 2017 | fetish party review

Wasteland has been around for more than twenty years and is one of the biggest fetish parties in the world. To have such a big party here in the Netherlands feels really special. For a while now, there are also Wasteland parties at the KitKatClub in Berlin. I would really love to visit there!

But on this night, November 25th, I went to the Hemkade in Zaandam, near Amsterdam. The party started at 22 ‘o clock and we were a bit early, so we could park the car really close by. Because we were on the guest list, we didn’t have to wait in line, but because it was still really early, the line wasn’t that long anyway. Soon we were inside and that’s where the party starts. The entrance hall is full of practical things. There a dressing room with lockers, a wardrobe, you can buy coins for drinks, there’s a clothing stall and you can talk to some experts about safe sex and drugs. But Wasteland has the talent to create something amazing of all these practical things. It looked wonderful! In the middle, there were some performers looking amazing. There was a lady dressed as a caterpillar sitting on a giant mushroom, a handsome guy with a helmet with antlers and some sexy fetish ladies with whips. Lots of things to see and everybody was happy.

After we got a key for a locker (you pay 10 euros, but when you return the key, they give you 5 euros) we had to walk through the packed locker room. It was really busy, but everyone was making an effort to let you pass by. The lockers were really small, luckily I had remembered to put on a vest instead of a winter coat and I had brought a small bag.

After we got dressed and got some coins (about 3 euros for a coin and the non-alcoholic drinks cost 1 coin) we finally got to go inside! We walked past the sexy door bitch, such a shame she didn’t give me a blow with her whip.

The theme this time was Burtonesque, inspired by Tim Burton. He’s know from many movies like Alice in Wonderland, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Sweeny Todd and Nightmare Before Christmas. So lots of inspiration! I wore some kind of kinky Alice in Wonderland outfit to fit the theme. It was clear many people had been inspired by this Burtonesque theme.

I really loved to see how different everything looked compared to last time I was there. When I looked up I saw a huge lamp made of bones, at the walls I saw moving pictures. But what really caught my eye was a guy dressed as an elf, holding a hello kitty, and he was floating in the air. There were meat hooks in his body holding him up. He looked like he was just chilling, but it was creepy and bizarre and yet so much fun. Behind me a saw a huge door. Of course, I was curious, so I went through the door like I was Alice herself.

Wow, it was amazing! I saw a bizarre version of the Alice in Wonderland tea party. A crazy bunny drinking straight from the teapot, a drag queen Alice, a beautiful girl dressed only in bondage tape and some more amazing people. While a was staring at a sexy bunny, a lovely drag queen took me to the table and gave me a cup of tea and of course a yummy cookie. Suddenly I became a part of this wonderful spectacle and I loved it!

This is Wasteland Wonderland. It’s like being Alice in Wonderland. Everybody is dressed to impress. Some of them really extravagant, others more basic fetish, and others full fetish from head to toe. Just walking around here feels really special, you just don’t know where to look, there’s so much to see and enjoy. And then there are the shows. Really spectacular shows.

I saw a show by The Puppeteer (I’m a Puppeteer fan!), he did this show together with Ropemarks. There were 3 sexy, naked guys and they were suspended upside down to a floating pyramid frame. Then they got dripping candles attached to their feet, while a half-naked sexy elf wearing latex played a glittery white cello and was chasing a kinky little man, who ended up inside the pyramid amidst the three hanging guys when confetti blasters shot lots of confetti. Yes, everything happened on just one show. It was truly amazing.

I also saw a fashion show. It took a while before I noticed this was a fashion show. The creations looked really amazing and bizarre, it was great! There was also a spectacular act with fire and of course a performance by the crazy hatter.

There were several spaces and they all looked amazing, each having its own vibe and music. Last time I visited Wasteland I felt like I was in Wonderland, but this time some of the spaces really looked like Wonderland. What’s also a bit wondrous, are the darkrooms. Of course, I had to check it out, it was a bit exciting, lots of action to see there. But you can’t walk in the darkroom without being touched. I had to push some hands away from underneath my skirt. Luckily there are Dungeon Masters to keep an eye on everything to make sure everyone is safe and to kick out anyone misbehaving.

There were lots of places to sit and relax, or to be a bit more intimate. There were lots of couples enjoying each other in a more intimate way, but nothing I found to be too much. Just some touching or maybe even some oral sex. But real full-on sex I only saw in the play areas.

The music was too loud for my liking. I was glad I had brought some earplugs because my ears started to hurt during the night. When you use earplugs you still can hear the music and still make conversation, but the painful feeling just disappears. So with my earplugs, I danced the night away.

Around half past three, I got tired so time to go home. It was a great night, I really loved the theme and I love Wasteland! Everything looked perfect, the location and people, I really enjoyed it! I will be back next year.

Wasteland 2017 | fetish party review

Wasteland’s next edition will be on April 7th 2018 and the theme will be Gotham.




Jay is de persoon achter Tess Tesst die verantwoordelijk is voor het testen van, en schrijven over seksspeeltjes die gericht zijn op de penis en de prostaat.

Omdat Jay ook kinkster is zal hij van tijd tot tijd ook een review of artikel schrijven over Kink en BDSM en alles wat daar bij komt kijken

Buiten zijn talent voor testen en schrijven over seks, seksualiteit, BDSM en natuurlijk seksspeeltjes, is hij ook verantwoordelijk voor het technisch onderhoud, de marketing en nog veel meer andere zaken binnen Tess Tesst en veel andere websites van zijn klanten.

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