The NÜ Sensuelle Point and Joie


The nü sensuelle point and joieThe nü sensuelle point and joie


NÜ Sensuelle, I had never heard about that brand. The sex-toy range looked pretty basic, so that curbed my enthousiasm. When I recieved the NÜ Sensuelle Point and Joie, I thought: oh here come the mini vibrators again. I am not a big fan of mini vibrators or bullet vibrators. Small usually means a weak engine, and I like strong vibrations.


The NÜ Sensuelle Point did look very cute. An endearing mint green hue and the charger that comes with it looked very comical as well. It makes the Point stand upright in it. De NÜ Sensuelle Joie also looked very cute, but this bullet vibrator did not impress me at first glance.

According to the manual you only need to charge either of the vibrators once every one or two months. If you do not own that many toys that shouldn’t be a problem. But if you have a collection of toys, and like some variation in what and when you use them it means you must remind yourself to charge them now and again. This to me seems rather clumsy. I would probably forget to do so. But at the time of this discovery I assumed I would forget about these sex-toys anyway.


I started of with the NÜ Sensuelle Point. I turned it on and W. T. F. HOW does such a small vibrator vibrate THAT hard. Suddenly I was super impressed and couldn’t wait to actually try it. So I decided that now what the time. I needed this…NOW (tihihi)!

And wow! It really did the job. Super powerful and delicious deep vibrations. I mean, it is not a Doxy or anything like it, so not THAT deep, but nice deep vibrations just the same. And so hard! Wow!

Twenty settings, no, really!

The NÜ Sensuelle Point has twenty different settings. Yes, I said twenty different settings. Why? You might ask. And I really don’t know. Apparently sex-toy manufacturers seem to think that this is what people want. And maybe there actually are people that want this many settings. For a sex-toy with just one button it’s just very awkward. If you are at setting 8 and you find yourself longing for setting 3, because that really hit the spot, you have to press the button an additional 15 times, that if anything is just very annoying. Of course, you could just turn it of by pressing and holding the button for three seconds, and then turn it on again by holding the button again for the same amount of time. But well, that takes forever.

Favourite setting

Luckily for me I know that I like setting number 3. Most vibrators start out with three basic steady vibration settings, soft, medium and hard.  And well, I like it hard. Usually the vibration patterns start at setting number four. So, after having tried the patterns, and yes, some of them were quite nice, but hardly original, I went back to good old setting number 3. But, oh man, to be honest that setting was just too much for me. I’m sorry? Did I just say it was too much for me? Yes, I really did. And so back to setting number 2 (and again we turn it off by holding 3 seconds, and on again by holding 3 seconds, but I am rather forgiving of this toy, because well, WOW!)

A maximum of 30 minutes

But darn, this was just awesome. I did notice that the NÜ Sensuelle Point was heating up a bit, literally. But I didn’t feel this was something to worry about. The manual also advises you not to use the sex-toy for more than 30 minutes at a time. Personally, I can live with that, mostly because reaching an orgasm with this sex-toy is anything but difficult.

No it really didn’t take me half an hour :D. I am really impressed by this toy. While using it I felt the vibrations in my fingers, but I did not mind that much, I have felt worse. The sound it makes is also pretty much okay. The strong engine means you hear it of course, but it’s not loud, or annoying.

The NÜ Sensuelle Joie

After a quick and nice deep orgasm, I took a short break, only to move on to the NÜ Sensuelle Joie. It was all work and no play for this sex-toy reviewer, it’s a hard knock life. Although I really didn’t look forward to testing this bullet, by now I gained some more confidence and especially more motivation to test this toy.

When I turned it on I was pleasantly surprised yet again. Mostly because this little vibrator also vibrated quite forcefully. After flipping through the settings, by means of the one button on the bottom of the toy, I actually did choose setting number 3 for this toy. This toy is just a little less powerful than the NÜ Sensuelle Point.

Again, it did not take long for me to reach an orgasm with this mini vibrator. Wow! Super nice!


The NÜ Sensuelle Point and Joie are covered with silicone, which makes them body safe. Only you can’t use silicone lubricant with a silicone toy, but using a water based or <hybrid lubricant> works just as well.

The NÜ Sensuelle Point is only splash proof, so cleaning it takes some care, making sure not to get the base of the toy wet. The NÜ Sensuelle Joie is completely waterproof, which means it can come with you to the bathtub or the shower.

When the Point is fully charged, you can use it for about an hour. The NÜ Sensuelle Joie has a playtime somewhere between 25 and 50 minutes. The recommendation for the Joie is also not to use it longer than half an hour at a time. But again, I think you will be all right within that time frame.

The toys come with a year’s warranty which is also very nice.

In conclusion

I was overjoyed with the NÜ Sensuelle Point and Joie, I really didn’t expect to get this delighted by a mini vibrator, or a bullet vibrator. Especially as I had never heard of this brand.

If you are into forceful vibration, and you are still looking for a small vibrator, then these might be the sex-toys for you. They are easily tucked away in your bag, which is very convenient if you are going to a party or want to surprise your lover at an exciting venue. I will make quite sure I always have one on me.

Tess heeft voordat ze begon bijna tien jaar in verschillende seksshops gewerkt en daar leerde ze superveel over alle soorten seksspeeltjes en zo groeide haar interesse voor seksspeeltjes nog verder.

Seksspeeltjes testen vind ze echt superleuk om te doen en ze hoopt dat het jou helpt om een seksspeeltje te kiezen die bij jou past. Maar ook hoopt ze door open en eerlijk te schrijven over sex toys, BDSM, kink en dus ook seks, dat ze een beetje meehelpt het taboe te doorbreken. Waarom zou dit een onderwerp moeten zijn waar we ons voor moeten schamen? Weg met die schaamte! De meeste mensen hebben seks, de meeste mensen masturberen, dus waarom zouden we dat onbesproken laten?

Tess maakt samen met Daphne de podcast Meet the Kinksters.

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