JNaja cockring by Velv’Or


Velv'or jnaja

When is a ring not a ring?

I’ve had several experiences with cock rings, most of them were not the most happy. They vary from: “hey this is okay, oh, I had an orgasm, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF NOW!” to “OMG I just bruised my nuts, please no, no I AM NOT DOING THIS”.

So as you might imagine, the arrival of yet another cock ring did not exactly rock my world. But as Euphoria had so graciously send me the Velv’Or JNaja, it left me with little choice, and as it turns out, this was a very lucky coincidence.



The JNaja arrived in a very stylish box, contrary to other rings I have bought or received which basically arrived in a see through plastic baggy. The box also contains the manual, but has been incorporated in a rather stylish way, which I think is well thought of.

Reviewing the JNaja

This is not just a cock ring, the JNaja is an ergonomically shaped piece of hard Nylon. And although you might think that is an odd choice for a cock ring, it actually works very well. Taking my red JNaja out of the box, I read the instructions (first your balls, then your flaccid penis). These are not really different from any other “around the balls and shaft” rings, however where I have had experiences of pinched testes before. This went very smooth, as it turns out, even without lube. The stimulator at the bottom feels great on your perineum and does indeed stimulate you just enough to make it all a lot of fun.

Velv'or jnaja cockring manual

Know your size

A thing I have to mention is that, if you did not know already, the actual size of the cock ring does really matter. The Velv’Or JNaja comes in various standard and custom sizes and colours.

The key to measuring your size is knowing the diameter you would need to purchase. To calculate the diameter, you might need there is a very simple formula to adhere to.

You need to measure the circumference around the base of your cock and right “behind” your balls. Make sure you measure it exactly with a bit of rope or a flexible measuring tape.

You then divide the circumference by 3.14 and the result is the approximate diameter of the cock ring you want. So, for example: 17 cm / 3.14 = 5.4 cm diameter. Keep in mind you want a slightly smaller diameter for your cock ring as it needs to restrict the blood flow when you are erect. You can also check with Velv’Or for a size recommendation

Continuing the review

The box of the JNaja states that contrary to “normal” rings you can actually wear it all day. I wouldn’t be much of a reviewer if I did not try this, and I can confirm that as the box states, it is a comfortable and stimulating Velv'or jnaja cockringexperience. I even rode my bicycle without any discomfort, although it does make you be extra careful when swinging your leg over the bike to mount it.

Because the ring is hard, but smooth there was no irritation whatsoever, even though we have had sweltering weather the last couple of days.

My only anxiety was getting aroused and not being able to get flaccid again whilst in public, but with some mental control this wasn’t a problem.

And then I finally had time to experience the sensation while engaged in sexual activity. And OMG did it feel great! It made my erection harder and thicker, without having the sensation of having your private parts caught in a vice-grip.

And of course, it postponed my actual orgasm, but man did it feel good! The stimulator pressing on my perineum was a great sensation. And even after orgasm, contrary to other experiences, the ring felt comfortable enough to not have to need to take it of asap.

The league of…

If you had said to me that I would be super happy about a cock ring a month ago I would have guffawed in your face and possible poked you in the ribs. But no, I really am utterly chuffed with this ring. So, I am now a proud member of the League of Enringed Gentlemen. In fact I am so happy about it that I don’t even mind the ring being red (and I really, really don’t like red as a colour for anything). Which also gives me an excuse to get another JNaja, as others from the league said this would be a good idea.


In case you hadn’t noticed yet, I think you need to buy this ring, if not for your own pleasure then for that of your partner. You MUST buy this. It will change a lot of things for you, if not only your view on cock rings. So go buy it, preferably through Euphoria who so graciously send me the ring for an honest review. Now, GO, click the link, spend the money, enring (your partner), do it!

Jay is de persoon achter Tess Tesst die verantwoordelijk is voor het testen van, en schrijven over seksspeeltjes die gericht zijn op de penis en de prostaat.

Omdat Jay ook kinkster is zal hij van tijd tot tijd ook een review of artikel schrijven over Kink en BDSM en alles wat daar bij komt kijken

Buiten zijn talent voor testen en schrijven over seks, seksualiteit, BDSM en natuurlijk seksspeeltjes, is hij ook verantwoordelijk voor het technisch onderhoud, de marketing en nog veel meer andere zaken binnen Tess Tesst en veel andere websites van zijn klanten.

1 Reactie

  1. What are your experiences with cockrings? Let me know! If you have any questions, also just shoot them in a comment bellow and I will try to answer ASAP!!



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