Tess introduces herself
Hi, I’m Tess and I love sex-toys!
When I was 18 years old, I bought my very first sex-toy. A black vibrator, one of those almost real ones with veins and all. Soon more followed. A plastic stick-vibrator, that made way to much noise, a Tarzan with rainbow-lights, a pink one with a very soft tail and so it went on and on.
Since then I have been working for sex-shops for years, and so encounter all the new toys. Now and then I will tes(s)t one and I will review it.
Other then that I like kinky stuff, so next to sex-toys I will be reviewing BDSM toys and fetish parties.
In daily life I am married to Jay, the guy that writes the reviews about toys for men on this website. We live in Almere, The Netherlands. I work in a sexshop in Amsterdam and aside from sex-toys love Netflix, unicorns, pink glitter, sushi, kinky parties and I also love socialising.
Of course, you can also find me on social-media:
- Facebook: https://fb.me/tesstessttoys
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tess_tesst
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/tess_tesst